Benchmark Scoring

  1. Click on the “Benchmark Scoring” option from the left side of the interface under the respective Module.

Add a New Benchmark

  1. Click the “Add Benchmark” button.

  1. A new window will appear.

  1. Fill in all the details.

Note: Optional objects such as Idea are optional, and the screen may vary depending on your license.

  1. Provide the Name, Description, Score [Range 1-999].

  2. Mention the Field(s) and Criteria(s) under the Criteria Section.

  3. Choose Filter Logic if multiple Logics are added.

  4. Select the Criteria Execution method(s):

    • Create: Give points to the user for the Creation of a record with assigned criteria.

    • Update: Give points to the user for the Updation of a record with assigned criteria. Choose which user to give the points on an update, ‘Last Modified By’, or ‘Created By’, or both.

    • Delete: Revert points from the user on the Deletion of a record with assigned criteria.

    • Criteria Breach: Revert points from the user on the Criteria Breach of a record with assigned criteria.

Show Existing Benchmark

  1. You will be able to see the status and expired benchmarks on the screen.

Edit Existing Benchmark

  1. Click the Pen icon to edit an Existing Benchmark.

  1. A new pop-up window appears. Edit the values and click the Save button.

  2. Click on the “Clone” Icon to Clone and edit a Benchmark rather than starting from scratch.

  3. Click the Bin Icon to delete an existing Benchmark.